
Traffic Study

Traffic study is the process of understanding the actual/estimated flow of traffic through any particular project over a given period. It also helps in finalizing the design of the project. So as this is put to optimal use and make it economically viable.

  • Traffic Study for different types of transport projects (Road, Sea Port and Air Port projects) to determine their potential ridership. Our adopted study methods use statistically sound approaches to data collection and analysis. Ridership studies include multiple layers of surveys, including stated preference, revealed preference, and mode share site surveys. We always utilise the latest in survey technology, and video analytics.
  • Traffic Study reports help the developers in undertaking a new project, acquiring existing projects and assessment of the maintenance requirement of the projects.
  • Traffic Study report is an important document for lenders to assess the financial viability of any such projects and their lending decisions.
  • The Central, Province and Local Governments/ Authorities use Traffic Study reports for planning developmental projects.