
Agency for Specialized Monitoring (ASM)

ASM monitors day to day operations of the borrower through analysis of cash inflows and outflows, verification of purchase and sale invoices, assessing inventory buildup and movement of debtors/creditors etc. and monitoring of progress of projects & related cash flows.

• Inspection/Verification of stocks/book debts.
• Quality of Book debt, their appropriateness, age-wise classification, and eligible Book debts for the purpose of Drawing Power.
• Monitoring the actual operations (production/supplies etc.) vis-a-vis projections/ budgets.
• Verification of high value transactions/payments as regards to beneficiary and purpose.
• Source of margin towards Working Capital/LC/BG.
• Monitoring status of borrowings with banks, conduct of accounts, compliance and non-compliance of loan covenants, etc.
• Identify key issues/ hurdles and suggest for smooth operations of the project.

Monitoring of cash flow under Term Loan is through tools like

• Physical inspection of the project at regular intervals for monitoring of progress of projects, review of documents, etc.
• Determination of progress and appropriateness of related transactions.
• Physical progress of the project vis-a-vis fund infusion.
• Sources of capital fund infusion/term-borrowing/any other borrowing.
• Monitoring of high value payment/dues and proper utilization of funds.
• Periodical review of invoices and submission of exception reports.